First I read Nikhil Suresh’s angry rant about AI, then I read Frank M Taylor’s angry rant about front-end development. I agree and disagree with different points in each, like any good rant. Something that struck me is that, well, I don’t think either of them are actually particularly angry, it’s actually a schtick. I also watched Dan Olson’s I Don’t Know James Rolfe recently (aka “Angry Video Game Nerd”). I liked Dave Rupert’s take that “nerdrage” has turned into a genre of content. This genre has made it’s way all the way to technology writing. Heck, I do it myself sometimes, but I also agree with Chris Enns in that I wish we all generally wrote more about things we like.
A Text-Reveal Effect Using conic-gradient() in CSS
This article explores creating a typographic effect that “reveals” text in an interesting animated way.